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SUPACELL is about a  group of five ordinary people who unexpectedly develop superpowers. They have little in common except for one thing: they are all Black South Londoners. It is down to one man, Michael Lasaki, to bring them all together in order to save the woman he loves

发布于2024年。由Andrew Onwubolu执导,并且由编剧携幕后团队创作。集众多位Michael Salami,埃迪·马森,阿德拉约·阿德达约,Travis Jay,Destiny Viva,Ky-Mani Carty,Andy Thompson,科乔·阿塔,Sanchez Brown,Debra Baker,Akai Coleman,托辛·科尔,埃里克·科菲-阿布莱法,卡尔文·德姆巴,Giacomo Mancini,Shabana Haroon,雅丝敏·莫奈·普林斯,Josh Tedeku,Seosaimhin Hennelly,Haqi Ali等著名实力派明星加盟,并公映的电视剧。

豆瓣评分0.0, 暂时没有评分,请继续等待。 类型为剧情,动作,科幻,冒险,海外的电视剧。创作于英国地区,具有中文字幕版本。
