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肮脏的周末,又名Dirty Weekend

Colleagues Les and Natalie are delayed in the Albuquerque airport. Restless, irritated, and unable to stand the service workers he meets at every turn, Les heads downtown. Natalie refuses to leave his side and discovers that his supposedly aimless wandering has more of a point than he is willing to admit. Natalie conceals secrets of her own, though neither can keep them quiet f...

发布于2015年。由尼尔·拉布特执导,并且由编剧携幕后团队创作。集众多位马修·布罗德里克,爱丽丝·伊芙,Phil Burke,Didier Vinson等著名实力派明星加盟,并公映的电影。

豆瓣评分5.6, 算是一部中等偏上的电视剧作品,值得收藏看,推荐大家观看。 类型为喜剧的电影。创作于法国,英国地区,具有中文字幕版本。
