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仇敌当前,又名A Man There Was

挪威着名剧作家易仆生编剧,北欧电影黄金时代的开篇之作。全片实景挪威海岸拍摄,拍摄难度与戏剧张力超越当代。原本平凡的水手,战时为了养家活口冒险出航,却被军人所俘。多年後脱身返家却人事已非,只有满腔怨怒相伴。某天,当年俘虏他的仇敌与相随的妻女海上落难待援,他奋勇而至,却陷入「复仇还是救援?」的天人交战。Terje Vigen, a sailor, suffers the loss of his family through the cruelty of another man. Years later, when his enemy's family finds itself dependent on Terje's beneficence, Terje must decide whether to avenge himself. Based on a poem written by Henrik Ibsen and entirely on location shooting at the Norwegian coast, the film claimed to be the most expensive production and marked the beginning of the Golden Age in the Nordic film history.


豆瓣评分7.8, 算是一部高评分电视剧作品,亲们,能有此分数的电影也为数不多呀,推荐大家值得观看。 类型为剧情的电影。创作于挪威,瑞典地区,具有中文字幕版本。
