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桃色夫人,又名Madame Pink ( Dosaegbu-in)

Homemaker 's flavor has a heterogeneous physiological structure due to the painted film. Her husband, Tonghyeok, is tired of frequent trips and overwork, and she is always lonely. One day, the flavor of renting a videotape to appease the hollow mind is touched by Donghyeok who came back from his home town. Tonghyuk feels that he is vulgar to such a flavor and leaves to Sorak Mountain, and he comes to Dong-hyuk to pray for forgiveness and realizes that there is a dumb woman called "local" near him. However, to the pregnant local, Tonghye forced abortion and eventually she died. In this case, the two went into separation and tasted the tape to comfort the loneliness of the single, and the affair with the videotape deliverer, who had always tempted her. The flavor caught by the young man is eventually transformed into a coloring actor, and Dong-hyuk rescues the flavor, but she is hospitalized in a mental hospital due to delirium.


豆瓣评分0.0, 暂时没有评分,请继续等待。 类型为理论的电影。创作于韩国地区,具有中文字幕版本。
